Newcastle gym looking forward to reopening backed by environmental hygiene programme
Newcastle gym looking forward to reopening backed by environmental hygiene programme.
Nexus EnviroGuard™️ program helps Lola Jeans to reopen successfully
The Lola Jeans group, which operates bars in Newcastle and Tynemouth, invested in the Nexus EnviroGuard™️ microbial treatment for each site, created in partnership with Nexus and environmental health specialist Michael Rollins, to ensure customers and staff were as safe as possible when reopening on July 4th.
Absenteeism Case Study
During winter 2015, a trial was completed for a major international insurance company in Auckland, New Zealand. Absenteeism was shown to drop by as much as 50% during the winter period, and over 30% against the 3-year combined average.
LVMH – Luxury Brand Department Store environment, Sales counters and Product Display
The Lola Jeans group, which operates bars in Newcastle and Tynemouth, invested in the Nexus EnviroGuard™️ microbial treatment for each site, created in partnership with Nexus and environmental health specialist Michael Rollins, to ensure customers and staff were as safe as possible when reopening on July 4th.